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Product Idea |

Howl's Moving Castle



This set represents Howl’s Moving Castle, from the eponym 2004 animation movie by Hayao Miyazaki. I built this model because I am a big fan of Miyazaki’s movie and universe, that could be well suited for Lego sets! The castle has a lot of interesting features to render, from the beast-like head, to the wings, legs, intertwined houses, turret elements, tilted chimneys and wild gardens. Anywhere you look, there are some hidden details, like the house at the top of the castle, in which Calcifer resides, the back helix, a side with houses and a side with turrets, which makes of the set a nice decorating element. The movie Characters, Sophie, Howl, Turnip Head and Markl are also included. The set, of about 1300 pieces might take a few hours to build, but it is strong and actually fits on its legs thanks to a robust inner structure. 

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