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The Geometry Dash Cube dashes into LEGO Ideas!
What is it?
This is the cube from the well known musical platformer game Geometry Dash. Geometry Dash is a game made by Robtop (Robert Topala). In the game, players can build their own levels and play online levels. The levels are synchronized to the music, so the gameplay will have player click or tap on the beat of the amazing music tracks! After the 2.2 update, the game gained more recognition with its brand new platformer mode, increasing the creative possibilities by a large amount!
Why did I build it?
Geometry Dash is made on August 13 in 2013, so on August 13 2023 the game will celebrate it's 10th birthday! and what is a birthday without a big birthday gift? I have been creating my own levels and I have been playing thousands of online levels over the years that I have been playing Geometry Dash and I still love the game! After all the amazing experiences I have had, I think Geometry Dash fans, LEGO fans and fans of both deserve an amazing set to celebrate this great milestone! This set is also a gift from me to the amazing, supporting Geometry Dash community, they have kept the game alive for over 10 years now, that surely deserves some recognition!
Why I believe this makes a GREAT LEGO set
This is a must have for Geometry Dash fans, it's amazing for decoration and it has a lot of play features like thfigures of the gamemodes, the mechanisms and the awesome references.The set also has a lot of interesting mechanisms and play features, so it will be fun to build, fun to display, AND fun to play with! you can display the figurines in any way you want, but you can also make them dizzy in the caroussel!
References / extras / play features
- Twisting mechanisms with colorfull dots, referring to the difficulty faces. if you spin the gear, the dots will dance!
- 10 figurines:
- cube (green base)
- ship (pink base)
- ball (red base)
- UFO (orange base)
- wave (blue base)
- robot (gray base)
- spider (purple base)
- swing (yellow base)
- jetpack (pink base)
- Gappie (white base)
- a sliding hatch that reveals a happy mushroom button, if you press it it opens a secret part!
- a secret level part: a reference to the level stereo madness!
- The face side can bend open so the top can be flipped, revealing a foldable display stand AND a caroussel, driven by a crank. the big top part also features space for the twisting mechanism and 2 extra buttons for the secret level part to open!
- The 'R' from Robtopgames in the build
The build contains 2656 pieces and 0 minifigures, it was designed with Stud io and it took me a week to design, but several weeks to redesign. The original design was redesigned to create a build with existing (and relevant) pieces and to create more play features in the same amount of space.The structure is focussed on stability and functionality, the cube and all its parts won't break because of technical structures.
Honourable mention
I want to thank Robert Topala for creating such an amazing game and not giving up on it, it might have taken 7 years to release 2.2, but the wait was totally worth it! Also thanks to the Geometry Dash community for being super supportive and positive about this project! And to all people asking for it... here it is: The swing and the Jetpack figurines are also here now! :D
Support my project and tell others to support too! Thank you in advance for your support! :D