Product Idea |

The Story of Aang and His Friends

After 14 years, it's time for a new Avatar: The Last Airbender LEGO set. Why?
  1. Rumors have it that a remake of the television series is being prepared.
  2. One of the best animation series (2005-2008) of recent times. (On IMDB a rating of a 9.2!)
  3. Not unimportant: my favorite animated series. A great, compelling and original story of Avatar Aang and his friends.

The idea
A LEGO viewing box, how cool! That was my original idea.
The story about Avatar: The Last Airbender was quickly born.
Four book volumes; four elements; four locations where Aang meets his friends and strengthens the band.

Aang meets Katara and Sokka.
Because of 100 years frozen in water, Appa is too tired of flying.

Aang meets Momo.
Seeking of more master Airbender at the Southern Air Temple, the only one Aang find is a winged lemur.

Aang meets Toph.
Seeking of the best Earthbender, Avatar Aang meets Toph in the arena.

Avatar Aang and Prince Zuko become friends.
After a great adventure, Aang and Zuko became friends and bring back piece in every nation.

Support this idea for reintroducing Avatar: The Last Airbender LEGO sets.

Bas van Houwelingen

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