Product Idea |

California-Style Mansion (With Fully Furnished Interior)

Hey everybody! For my latest (and probably greatest) submission I built a California Mansion. I got the inspiration to build this by looking through the C section of the Friday Wall Street Journal. I thought this would be a lot of fun to create with Legos. 
I'll start with the first floor. It has:
  • Living room (complete with pop art, a guitar on the wall, two cabinets, and two sofas)
  • Kitchen/dining room (includes glass table, tons of cabinets and and an island)
  • Laundry room (Lego houses absolutely never come with these, so I decided to add one to this house)
  • Home theater (you also don't see this very often in a Lego house) 
  • Bathroom                                                         
Moving on to the next level: 
  • Large balcony 
  • Three detailed bedrooms
  • Bathroom (attached to largest bedroom
  • Spa
  • Office
3rd floor includes: 
  • Gym
  • Bathroom
  • Library
  • Outdoor kitchen
There is also a 360 degree fireplace on the first two levels and a rooftop garden.
There is also a nice paved driveway for the owner's super fancy sports car (for more pictures check out this link: and an outdoor pool (complete with a basketball hoop), plus, for a beachy look, palm trees and beach grass. 
In case you're wondering why I used a screenshot for my last picture, Eyesight Renderer wasn't working properly and I didn't want to just leave pictures of the top floor out.
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