Product Idea |

Medieval Blacksmith & Armory


1000 + Improvement

I`m really excited that another medieval set passed the first milestone (the 4th!), it`s amazing!

Thank you so much for supporting and sharing!!

I want to take the opportunity to show you some changes of the second floor of the armory. Block_Buster78 suggested to change the geometric look of the side walls. I totally agree to that, I`ve never been completely happy with the current coloring.

I did a smoother color gradient and I`m quite pleased with it. I hope you like it too.



Nearing Time Extension

Hello everybody!

Thank you all for your support, comments and helpful feedback! We are close to the first milestone, just a little more support is needed. Please keep it up and share! :)


Fifth Part of the Medieval Village

The medieval village has grown again! To visit The Ruins Hidout, please click on the picture.



700 Supports!

Hey there!

Medieval Blacksmith & Armory has just reached 700 supports! Thank you very much, that`s amazing! :)

If you haven`t seen my other parts of the Medieval Village yet, please click the links below:

Medieval Pharmacy

Medieval Bakery

Medieval Peddler

I really appreciate all your kind comments and support! Projects are nothing without you, so please share and spread the word, we can do it together!



Fourth part of the Medieval Village

Thank you very much for the nice start and for helping to get this project into the "Popular this Week" section! If you have some friends that have a love for Lego and the medieval theme too, please share and spread the word. To visit all of my projects, please click on the picture.

Keep watching for updates and upcoming projects! :)

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