Product Idea |

Portal 2 Modular Test Chamber


New Post coming soon

I have already began work on my remake of this idea post, so make sure to check back in a week or two to see it when I reupload it.  My goal is to make it better looking and to fix some of the problems with the kit I forgot to adress in this one.  Thanks for all of the support so far!

~ Cart3rDaB0ss


New revamped idea post coming soon!

Seeing how this post only got around 40 people supporting it before it runs out, I am going to redo this project to make it better. I will post it a week or so after this one dies out, so if you really want my idea to become a set make sure to come back and support the new post when it’s up!

Thanks for all the support I’ve had in the last 60 days!



Custom Stickers

So, as you can probably tell, the stickers used in the models I made in LDCad were made using only existing stickers. If I ever find out how to make custom stickers, I will fix this and make actual Portal themed stickers. Another thing to point out is that if I ever do figure it out, I will make the Antline pieces sticker tiles instead of plates with round tiles. When/If I figure it out, I will upload the new pics here.




The images I added as an update didn't show up, so here they are! Hopefully this time it works. 




More Pictures?

If you guys would like me to add more pictures, specifically the ones I made using real bricks opposed to LDCad, post a comment! I'd be happy to share the actual builds if you guys want to see them.  Here are a few pictures I took a while back, enjoy!


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