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The LEGO Factory - From the Mold to Your Hands



Welcome to The LEGO Factory!

Hello! I am reposting this product idea that I posted last year, with brand-new images of the building, rendered in Blender. Enjoy!

I’ve made a special booklet for this project, where I explain even deeper the details of the building. View or download on Google Drive through the following short link: Booklet link

What is it?

This project represents the LEGO manufacturing process from start to finish, showing you all the main details of our bricks’ production.

  • Building details: the building is divided into 6 parts: (1) the receipt of raw material, (2) the molding of bricks, (3) the storage of bricks in High Bay Warehouses, (4) the packaging of bricks for sets, (5) the distribution to LEGO stores and, finally, (6) when you get it in your hands, as the project’s name suggests. In step 1, a truck with plastic granules fills silos that will store LEGO bricks before they go inside the factory. In step 2, long pipes lead the plastic to molding machines, where they are melted and molded; then, the molded bricks go to boxes that, when full, are taken by the AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicle) and sent to be stored. In step 3, the boxes filled with bricks get a cover and are stored in High Bay Warehouses until their specific elements are required for a LEGO set. In step 4, the bricks inside the boxes are collected, counted, and packed in bags that will be inside LEGO set final boxes. In step 5, the sets are shipped to LEGO stores all over the world. In step 6, you get your brand-new LEGO set.
  • Pieces details: in the building, we can see a lot of printed pieces, and the most notable ones are the newly released 6x8 tiles that have an explanation of each section. Other prints were used to make the building more realistic, such as the ones of the AGV, mentioned above, and the LEGO set boxes, which have a representation of the new LEGO Ideas typewriter.
  • Minifigures details: The building contains 9 Minifigures: the driver of the plastic granules truck, 5 LEGO factory employees, 1 LEGO store employee, a father, and his son.
  • Overall details: the building is made of 2453 bricks. Also, each section of the building can be detached for even further visualization of the details included.
Why did I build it?

I built it because sometimes we like something, but we don’t even know how it is produced, and that also applies to LEGO bricks. This building is meant to take that doubt away with in-depth details of the manufacturing of our LEGO toys.
Why do I think this would be a great LEGO set?

Mainly because of the accuracy included in the set, but also because of its building techniques and pieces used.
3D model

I have shared a 3D model of this building in Mecabricks so anyone can see the small details. Here is the link: Mecabricks link
Thank you!

That’s it for now. Thank you very much for checking my project. Please, support it, so that it can have a chance of becoming real!
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