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Brooklyn Nine-Nine




Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Break Room

this update fixes past problems i descoverd in the set for exsample a missing wall above the vending machine and the look of all the characters this new update also has a more realistic photo and i have added the logo so you can recognise what this set is from this set has reched 100 suporters and i am so happy thank you all very much i hope this set gets to 1000 now and i may just do an update if this gets there with added things like chedder as every one loves that fluffy boy  


Brooklyn Nine-Nine Break Room

This set is from the much loved fox now NBC Brooklyn Nine-Nine this set was built in the break room as I did not like the idea of having a hole building but I did like the idea of having a centeral area like all the other Lego ideas tv programs the Big Bang Theory, Freinds, Doctor who and more I also like that this is a small set so it can go pritty much anywhere in the home now in this show there are two centeral areas I chose the break room becuase the funnyist jokes and iconic moment happen there and really it has been through a lot over size trees make overs and more as a big fan of the show I know the break room like the back of my hand so I can assure you that this set is prity much identical to the break room you all know and love I have wanted a set of this forever a set I can have on my windoledge to look at play with admire there have been atemts but it still has never happend i made this as a fan a fan of lego and a fan of Brooklyn Nine-Nine like the great sets there already are we need this set we have waited too long for it is time to make it happen not for me for the entire fan base out there make this set known send it to your freinds, family or post it on social media the more you do the quicker we will be abel to bring a part of the 99 into our homes lets make it happen the characters in this set are Jake Peralta, Charles Boyle, Rosa Diaz, Gina Linettie, Raymond Holt, Terry Jeffords, Amy Santiango, Michael Hitchcock and Norm scully there are 955 parts to this set hope you like it thank you very much. 

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