Product Idea |

Civil Engineering: Types of Bridges - Revisited


2,000 supporters after just 35 days!

Only a little bit more than a month after start, "Civil Engineering: Types of Bridges - Revisited" has already surpassed the 2,000 supporters mark now. Heartfelt thanks for this amazing accomplishment go to all LEGO and engineering fans who have already supported my project! Please keep spreading the news about the voting to your family, friends, and coworkers, so we can keep the momentum going. Thank you very much - and on to the next milestone!


The project has been selected as today's "Staff Pick"!

My project has just been selected as the LEGO IDEAS "Staff Pick"! A big thank you to the LEGO IDEAS team for this great honour! Another big thank you goes to all my supporters, who have contributed to the project's success so far!

Back in 2022, the original submission had also received a "Staff Pick" and had reached the Review stage in just 96 days. Now that the resubmission has received the LEGO IDEAS team's award, too, I hope the project will manage to reach 10,000 supporters for the second time as well.


1,000 supporters reached - for the 10th time in my LEGO Ideas career!

The project has now reached the 1,000 supporters milestone - making it my 10th non-IP LEGO Ideas submission that has managed to surpass this mark. Thank you all very much for making this somewhat historic success possible! Maybe "Civil Engineering: Types of Bridges - Revisited" can also become my 6th non-IP submission to reach 5,000 supporters, and maybe even the 5th to reach the goal of 10,000 votes.


100 supporters milestone already reached!

Thanks to the amazing support for my resubmitted project, the first milestone has already been surpassed not even 6 hours after the project page went live. Please keep voting, so we'll hopefully get a chance of reaching the review stage for the second time soon!

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