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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! (w. sneak peak)

I got the image of set 40204, LEGO Pilgrim's Feast, off of the internet. At home I have this set, and I plan on building it today.

Yesterday, I posted a special LEGO creation to LEGO Ideas. It's still pending, and it probably won't go through until tomorrow or the day after. Here is a sneak peak of the project:

God bless you all, and you all have a Happy Thanksgiving! By cheesy. 11/23/2017


Blessed Father Solanus (November 18th, 2017)

Blessed Father Solanus was a man who saw a person, and excepted them as a person. He loved all, and wanted to help everyone. Now, he is a man in Heaven with God, who is one step closer to sainthood.

People from many a place have gone to Ford Field in Downtown Detroit to venerate Blessed Father Solanus. "This is history in the making" my Father said. "I believe that it's very beautiful that people of all races and religions come to Ford Field to venerate this beautiful man" I said.

The more crowded an event like this is, the greater it is. I thought to myself that if fifty saints, one from each U.S.A. state, were to be beatificated all at once, and at one place, the crowds would stretch for many miles.

November 18th, 2017


Peanutgallery4: Give him support!

Peanutgallery4 wants to have his own LEGO Ideas project on the shelves in stores as much as I do! Please, do him a favor and support his cool All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) project. It's awesome! By cheesy. 11/17/2017


Cool promotional LEGO set find! (and other stuff)

Today, my mother bought me LEGO set number 30427, Ice Tank Micro Build from the Recruitment Bags Boys theme at one of my local Target stores. I picked it up on improv, because the LEGO aisle was filled with people over-crowding the walls, and it just so happened to be at the self-checkout.

This was a very rare find, and I must say, I'm very happy with it! The polybag build is very small, which I like, but the bag that held it was huge. The bag was as big as LEGO set number 30611, R2-D2™ from the Recruitment Bags Boys theme. When I saved the bag, instead of using a sandwhich bag to save it from the trash, I had to use a quart gallon-sized bag.

Here's a couple pictures of this set from today:

By the way, I built a LEGO building that I call "Stuff." It's a thrift store for all of your quick finds and needs for anything. It's filled with random stuff, so, yeah. I may show you some more images later. In the meantime, just look at this:

Next time you go to Chili's, or if you're going for the first time, get the delicious Big Mouth Bites!

Here are some of the many sites to see in the Henry Ford Museum:

Am I going a little bit off topic? Oops! Sorry! Have a good day everyone, and build cool LEGO sets! By cheesy. 11/12/2017


More To Do


Build for International Women’s Day


Build Your Brick Story

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