Product Idea |

Flower Delivery Truck

1) What is it?
This Flower Delivery Truck is a simple set of 86 pieces.  However, even though it's small, it clearly captures the distinctive look of a faithful pick up truck.  It is in the 4-stud wide family of vehicles as a throw back to the vehicles from the 1980s and 1990s.  The doors, the roof, and the tailgate on the truck all open to provide easy playability for this set.  This set also inspires great creativity and storytelling.  How long has this guy been in the flower business?  Where is he taking this delivery?  With his happy smile, the driver clearly enjoys his job.  I bet he has a lot of fun stories to tell.

2) Why did you build it?
I built this set just for fun, shared it on Facebook, and it took off!  The responses were overwhelming positive for this little guy in his red truck.  I'm submitting here to LEGO Ideas to show that high quality sets don't have to have a large number of pieces.  Even a set with only 86 pieces, when done well, can be a beautiful build.

3) Why do you believe this would make a great LEGO set?
I think this would make a great official LEGO set because there seem to be very few pick up trucks driving around the LEGO city.  Plus, delivering flowers to people is a great way to share happiness and joy - and we all know that our world needs more of that.

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