Product Idea |

Japanese Chess Chibi


Surrender on Christmas day.

well, we couldn't get a Christmas Miracle in time, as only three new supporters came over on the final hours of the project. leaving us with a total of 0.54%. i do hope those presents under your trees were worth passing this up, because i guess nobody's interested in a miniature version of Shogi in the end.

but don't you worry about me, I'll make sure this Failure doesn't sour the Christmas spirit.

Edit: got one more Supporter before the end, so now we end at 0.55%.



only one new supporter came to bump us up to 0.51% as we approach the final five days before we expire on Christmas day. i still wish for a Christmas miracle, but i don't think we'll be lucky here.


Eighth Move!

ten days remain, and we've only reached halfway to the first milestone. i don't think a Christmas Miracle might be coming with this, but you are hard to predict, so i hope we can pull this off before it expires on Christmas day.


Final Quarter Check!

Not another Dry streak! we only got a quarter of our time left and we need 55 more for the first milestone by Christmas! we can't give up so soon!


Seventh Move!

a third of our time remains, and we only got one new supporter raising our support count to 0.45%. we're only 55 away from the first milestone, so we need a Christmas miracle to keep this alive!


Sixth Move!

25 days remain and four new supporters break the dry streak by pushing the Support count to 0.43%. we might be expiring on Christmas day if we don't reach the first milestone!



half of our time is now gone, and we've gone through a Dry streak? that's five whole days without a new supporter, and that's not good! we're only 61 away from achieving 1%! don't give up so soon!


Fifth Move!

We've now reached a point where our support count is higher than the time we have left, which with 35 days and two new supporters bumping up the count to 0.39% is concerning. granted, this project was launched while the Regular Shogi, so that got some attention, but don't forget that Mini Shogi needs support too!


Fourth Move!

a third of our time is now gone, and we got two new supporters bumping up our support count to 0.37%. we only need 63 more to reach 100 within the remaining 40 days. whether we expire or continue onward is up to you!


Third Move!

A quarter of our time is gone, and we only got one new supporter out of it which bumps up the total to 0.35%. we need 65 more to reach the first milestone, and we can't reach it with small amounts. especially with just a 60-day starting period.

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