Product Idea |

Lord of The Rings Helm's Deep


WE HIT +100!!!!

Thank you for all the support you've guys have givin this Project 


"More will come"


We Hit Over 50 Supporters!!!

Thank you for all the support! We hit 50 in 11 days! That's pretty good. Below are the images of the new and improved Helm's Deep 

Things I added:  

  • More rocks and grass to the environment.
  • I added a stream with a vent in the wall.
  • Removed some peices on Helm's Deep that were not needed. 

Thank you for all the support and keep sharing this! 



Thank You For Support!!!

Thank you for all the support!

27 in almost 3 days is pretty good, so thank you for supporting.

I made some goals that could make this project cooler, but it requries supporters for this so keep sharing this to friends and faimly! Also everyone stay safe!

 Goal 1

50 supporters = Micro river with vent in wall.

Next update coming soon...

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