Product Idea |

Old Stone House


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The Story in short.

Welcome to Henry Morton's Old Stone House. Henry lived a great life as a lumberjack, but now he is retired. He purchased this little Old Stone House in Brick Forrest to be able to have an easy and relaxed retired life. His favorite neighbor Catherine Renwick is visiting him regularly to hear more about Henry's life that was full of exciting and unexpected events.

In this little house Henry has all he needs to sleep, eat and to have a hobby. A useful hobby, his spinning wheel. While he doesn't use it much any more, some day he still enjoys this family heirloom that he received from his mother.

About the build.

Originally I started to work on this as a Cabin in the Woods style of building, but probably half way done I changed my mind to make it a stone building. The combination of stone and wood creates the unique color setup I really wanted to go with.
I tried to imitate the old stone works, where the stones are really uneven and formed together in a non-regular way to form the walls of the house.
The goal was to build something that looks good on its own, but can be integrated in any forest-like or medieval setup.

The physical facts.

I used 2080 parts for this build from 335 lots. Making it a build size of 42x40x27 studs.
There are 3 major parts that are basically built in a modular way. The ground and ground floor of the house, the upper floor of the house and the roof. All are easily detachable for easy access and playability.

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