The Tumbler from the Dark Knight trilogy
This set is based on the Tumbler from the famous Dark Knight trilogy. There has been made many versions of it, but i'd like to highlight this one, because in its size it really recreates the original vehicle perfectly. The model is built in the minifig-scale.
I think this version is by far the most similar to the movie version. It features all the details like the real one.
When I was creating this set, I took some inspiration from the Lego set Bat vs Bane tumbler chase, which features a small Tumbler. I didn't very like it - the yellow color, the small rear wheels, the rear itself, the roof, lincorrect front wheel connection (in the movie the Tumbler has wheels attached from the sides), there were also missing the iconic sharp parts of the Tumbler. From the rear it looked more like a normal car. So i've decided only to take inspiration from the rear wing and the sides and modify them.
It is made out of real Lego bricks.
It took a lot of time to design this model, so please support it!