Product Idea |

Solar Control



Some add-ons and changes to hwat was origionally there:

To Start:

  • All players start with two parts, enough for one frigate.
  • Players roll dice to decide who goes first– highest value first, second highest goes second, etc. Ties just re-roll.


  • WarSats cannot be placed (or target at time of placing) on a space currently occupied by an opponent's vessel [applies when WarSat is first placed].
  • Passing a WarSat from behind does not create combative scenario. Engaging from behind will however(same rules apply). 


  • Ships on grey spaces reside in two sectors at once and can interact with, and be acted on by, factors in both sectors.
  • Obstructions on black spaces(planets, Stations, etc.) require the vessel to take a detour around the sector.

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