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LEGO Insects Project


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LEGO Insects Project!

Everybody must have experiences to chase insects like beetles or dragonfleis in their childhood. And some people may have unhappy memories with dangerous insects such as Hornets and Mantis.

Here is a new project with brick built memorable insetcs. It's time to make new memories with them!





When you see that yellow and black shape, you can't escape from the insect! Its main body was made from arch parts. Wings are from set #76039 Ant-Man Final Battle. 

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One of the cutest and the most beautiful insect with black dots on red body. The dots on its wings are made from red 1x4 arch parts and black tiles.

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Slender body, big eyes and sharp hands give us a little thrill always. Its antennae is whip and the hands are made from Japanese sword.

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Hercles Beetle

The biggest and strongest beetle in the world. Its golden body fits the mold of the insects which is called The King of Beetle. And the big horn can beat all other enemies.

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Their elegant wings, iridescent surface and slender body makes it unique and beautiful. The wings are made from flex tube and Minifig hands.

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