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Northern Port

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When I was a child I always liked visiting small ports, as I loved looking at the ships and sea creatures. Because of this I thought a long time about building a port and now I finally did. This port is inspired by several dutch, norwegian and danish ports. I did online and in-person research to get inspiration for the several components that go into building a fantastic port. Incorporating all of these components took around 20 days of building.

This northern port consists of 4000 parts and 5 modular sections (from left to right):

  1. A wooden boat dock including 2 boats, rocky shores and serveral plants.
  2. The boat shop that has enough space to house each of the included ships, detailed interior and a removable roof and back wall.
  3. A fish vendor that sells fresh fish.
  4. The main dock that incompasses a crane .
  5. A small beach including several marine animals.

Northern Port includes 13 minifigures and 3 buildable ships. These ships are named like two important founders and a legendary submarine. When constructing the ships it was important to me that the boat shop can actually work on the enginge. Therefore the engine is exposed in the back of every boat.

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