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Learn countries with LEGO




Game rules. Europe region map.

Hi everyone, thanks for your supports of my project. Hope it will be supported by community and become a commercial product.

Currently game is about countries from Europe. Each capital have its flag with national colours.

As I promised here is a game rules in my first update.

Gaming cube contains next plates:

  • Sea trip
  • Plane trip
  • Deportation
  • Moving points: 1, 2 and 3

Starting the game

Each player select any position at the Europe map.

The youngest player starts. Drop game cube and execute selected action.


  • Sea trip - move your figure to any area near the water, applicable if player figure are standing near the water line, otherwise player drop game cube again.
  • Plane trip - move your figure to any capital.
  • Deportation - remove your figure outside current country region. Move back country flag to its position on the map if it was already in your collection.
  • Moving point - move your figure in any direction according to points at game cube plate.

Winning the game

Main point is to collect country flags. When player reached flag, he bring it to his collection.

When all countries flags are collected its a time to select winner of the game. Person who will have largest amount of collected flags - won the game.

This is my wision of game rules. If you have an original idea please write a comment. I hope we can create perfect game in cooperation :)

Best Regards,

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