Samus has arrived at Ceres space colony only to find it has been attacked, and even worse the last living Metroid is missing! The cause doesn't stay a mystery for long, as space pirate boss and Samus' arch nemesis Ridley reveals himself. Samus quickly jumps in her gunship and pursues, but is she too late?
Super Metroid is a game which defined a genre. Widely regarded as a masterpiece of game design and credited with popularizing metroidvania games, it's one of the most influential video games of all time. Video games have grown a lot since the release of Super Metroid, but you'll still find it on many "best games of all time" lists. This is why I decided to recreate part of the game's opening, and believe it would be a fantastic choice for a LEGO set.
The set would include:
- Samus' Gunship
- Samus Aran
- The Baby Metroid
- Ridley
I based these models on the game's sprites themselves, trying my best to stay true to the sizes and proportions of the actual game. The gunship was particularly difficult, as far as I can find nobody has really recreated it in LEGO and remained truly accurate to the games. This is mostly due to the shape of the cockpit, so to solve that issue I decided to use stickers and angled panels. Ridley was also a bit difficult, his size in Super Metroid made it hard to keep him accurate and retain his character, but in the end I'm very happy with the result! Similar to the gunship, I created wings for him using my own custom designs. And while it's impossible to truly recreate Samus' armor with special molds, I believe the figure I've made for this model is absolutely close enough!
I've uploaded my building process for the gunship to YouTube if you are interested in seeing a little bit of behind the scenes! Ridley and Samus will be following shortly, so be sure to check the updates section!
Thank you for reading! I hope you've enjoyed my model and I look forward to your thoughts!