Product Idea |

Sonic Tornado battle Mod


sorry for not answering!

hello everyone!

i couldnt answer so many comments because i have a exam 3 days later and i was studying for that i am sorry for that 

i will be talking about/answering some problems/questions in tihs update

1. i tought that my silver head would be approved because my project got aprroved but i realised silver head is just in update and they dont aprove update i can just send instead of the head that i worked hard for it i will be using normal lego head:(

2.i couldnt make updates for the set because i was studying 

3.someone said that it would be a junior set because its small but u know LEGO has a thing for ideas (idk what to call them i am talking about city,ninjago etc.). if they ever make it a junior set it would be make me waaaaaaaaay happy because it would be somethig else than lego ideas set and that means its so good (i dont say it is dont get me wrong)

4. about the pieces for minifigs that would be better,i know those would make the minifigs better doesnt have all pieces

thats all, have a great day!


edit:oh there is only a few comments that i didnt reply i tought there was so many comments 




i am working on a eggman model and yes i got the head from toastergrl's project, i am trying to be as original as i can be.i am still working on it beacuse something looks not good when i look at it

just wanted to keep you guys updated.



hello there!

soooo this is my first update and i just wanted to share this with you guys.i edited silvers head my model myself(it was really hard) and tails doesnt have a tail beacuse unfortunatley didnt have a tail piece (for minifig).Thats all i gonna say also i appreciate any ideas for this set!


i also realized that silvers face is not the same color with his body while rendering the image, i will fix that on photoshop i promise 

(i also found those decals on google they are not mine, but i made the shoes myself)

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