Good morning! I'd like to share with you this LEGO Ideas project! This set is based on an awesome app game called "Jurassic Park Builder" made by Ludia Inc.
I love dinosaurs, LEGO and I like this game so i decided to make this creation. It is made in small scale.
The set would contain:
9 prehistoric creatures
11 buildings and decorations
Toyota Land Cruiser
Jurassic Park gate
- In first picture (don't count the main one) there is the gate to Jurassic Park. You can open it and close it.
You can also take off orange lights ( wich are for Jurassic Park ) and replace them with blue lights to transform it into Aquatic Park gate or red lights for Glacier Park.
- Second picture shows Jurassic Park decorations and Land Cruiser.
From left to right:
- Active volcano - volcano with lava and some vegetation
- Two pink flower patches
- Yellow flower patch
- Toyota Land Cruiser - famous car that drives around the park
- In third picture there are Jurassic Park creatures:
- Parasaurolophus - calm herbivore
- Pteranodon - flying reptile
- Tyrannosaurus - fearsome meat-eater
- In fourth picture I showed decorations and buildings from aquatic section of the park:
- Crashed aircraft - airplane on seabed covered with algae
- Small sculpture - sculpture of shark
- Marine turbine - underwater building
- In fifth picture there are three aquatic creatures:
- Leedsychtis - largest bony fish ever
- Psephoderma - a genus of placodont
- Mosasaurus - 17-meter carnivorous aquatic lizard
- And finally we got to Glacier Park. Sixth picture shows the buildings and decorations:
- Icy lake - lake with some snowy and icy hills around it
- Info igloo - a small building
- Torch - a decoration
- The last picture shows glacier creatures:
- Entelodon - prehistoric pig
- Eremotherium - giant ground sloth
- Elasmotherium - very big ancient rhinoceros
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