Product Idea |

Advanced Sith Fighter


Redone & Running out of time

I've repainted the black pieces of this set to make it look more like the original sith fighter from the game. Also this project has 39 days left, and I need to reach 10K before it's to late.


200 Supporters

Wow I've got 200 supporters so far. But my project still running out of time, please support this, and share it. Hopefuly I'll add more soon


90 days left

I haven't got much time. I've got until 90 days to get more support for my advanced sith starfighter project. I need a lot of help if this set is to be reviewed, Please give it as much support as it needs. I'll upload more pics of it with new paint job soon.


Attack Squadron

Here are some pics of the advanced sith starfighter squadron



160 Supporter

Well I'll be, I've got 160 Supporters so far. But I need more supporters and I'm running out of time, so please support my Advanced Sith Starfighter before it's to late.


150 Supporters

Thank you for giving my 150 supports for my advanced Sith Starfighter. I hope it will reach 10,000


140 Supporters

I want to thank you for giving me 140 support. If anyone has supported this set, please share this to anyone so it can reach 10,000. Thank you.


Textured up

I halved Creased Edges and silhouette, and the color outlines are 39%. Jitter at 5%



100 Supporters

Wow I made 100 supporters for my Advanced Sith Starfighter. Thank you all and I hope it will reach up to 9900 more supporters, please tell anyone about this. I am counting on whoever gets this message.


91 Supporters

Wow I have got 91 supporters. Thanks

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