Fourth times a charm (I hope)
A final test to see if I can get the photos to work; if not I'll report it to LEGO. Wish me luck.
Just a big thank you for reaching 200 supporters; it means a lot to me-keep sharing the project and we'll reach the next milestone I swear!
On another note, let me know what you guys want me to do once it reaches 300 as a celebration, maybe a micro version in a desert with a pyramid and some obelisks.
Also the photos didn't load from the last update so I'll try again and see if it works now.
Well, apparently the photos didn't load in the last update, so here they are. If the photos don't work this update, I will release another update with the gun photos soon.
Thanks again.
Thank you everyone for helping me reach 100 supporters on this project. I am so grateful. While 100 supporters might not seem like much in the long run, it means a lot to me, so thank you. In the comments, please let me know what I should build next for this mech once it (hopefully) reaches 1K; I will release that in another update once I reach the next time boost.
I am willing to bet that some people will notice some slight differences between the photos in this update and the original photos of the model. That is because, unfortunately, Anubis found his way into my piles of Legos and didn't make it out unscathed. Some parts were lost and had to be remade, so that explains that. Now for the gun itself.
The gun is rather large; when stood on-end, it is taller than Anubis itself. The front handle, in my opinion, may be a bit too far from the rear handle, but that just means he can't aim as much. Which, when you consider the fact that it won't be used for sniping, doesn't really matter. The front barrels rotate and the front handle is adjustable. And just so they know, I want Lego to know that I want them to please INCLUDE THIS GUN in THE FINAL PRODUCT. Thank you all again, and please keep it coming.