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Charnon House From Amulet

The Charnon House is the main form of transport for the protagonists of the graphic novel series Amulet. It also serves as a home for them. The house was built by Silas Charnon and his robot assistants and was inherited by his granddaughter Emily Hayes. I made this because I really liked the design of the Charnon House, and I think the Amulet series should get a Lego set. The model has over 4000 parts and stands almost 55 centimeters (21 inches) high. The mech has articulated arms, legs, and a rotatable waist. A microscale interior is also inside the body and head. The set has 7 minifigures of Emily, her brother Navin, Prince Trellis, Vigo, the Elf King, Miskit the robot rabbit, and Leon the fox warrior. A figure of the Voice in the Amulet is included as well.
  • #house
  • #mech
  • #fantasy
  • #adventure
  • #mecha
  • #mechanical

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