Product Idea |

Bigger On The Inside - TARDIS


Unfolding the TARDIS

To celebrate Capalday (Peter Capaldi's first full episode as the Doctor) I thought I'd upload some extra pictures to show how the TARDIS opens up and include a Capaldish minifigure (although the console doesn't match the one he'll be using to fly the TARDIS)



I should have said in the main description that the set should include minifigures but because I created it in the Digital Designer I couldn't really replicate the standard of the bespoke minifigures I've seen on other projects.

Naturally the set should contain The Doctor with an option for possible companions. Which Doctor would probably depend on which console room is easiest to model for the final design. I think William Hartnell would be the logical choice as he was the first Doctor. This would also suggest Susan as a companion minifigure. Should Lego make any further Doctor minifigures this model would be a good playset for them. Perhaps Lego would even make all the Doctors available via the minifigure packs you can buy like the current Simpsons sets.

I was very fortunate to have this project retweeted by Neil Gaiman on Twitter. As he's written for the new series this directed quite a few new people to look at the project. Hopefully it will continue to gain support, 10,000 seems a long way away.

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