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Please support GLEE, one of the best TV shows of all time!
Since it aired in 2009 Glee showed kids, teenagers and adults how to be yourself, no matter who you are.
It teaches how important tolerance, diversity, inclusion and friendships are.
And this all happens, while you enjoy a lot of amazing music performances!
It's time to try defying gravity, by supporting GLEE!
With 10.000 supporters, it gets a chance to become an official Lego set and you can reenact your favorite moments and songs! Or display it and look at it all the time! :)
GLEE would be a great addition to any Lego TV show collection.
Moreover, GLEE would be the first Lego set featuring a high school TV show and thus opening up a whole new fan base to Lego. :)
About my build GLEE:
- My build has three parts: the choir room, Sue's office and a piece of hallway
- I build a part of the choir room, the headquarters of the Glee Club, because a whole lot of scenes take place in there. So this was the best choice for reenacting scenes. It's very recognizable, too. :)
- Originally the choir room has four walls, but I decided to cut it open. This way it's easier to access and the playability is heightened immensely. Furthermore it can be easily displayed.
- Sue's office is very recognizable, as well. Since the Glee Club needs a nemesis, Sue just had to be there and her office, too. :)
- I added the hallway, because it seemed more like a complete set with one
- The drum set, the black and the purple piano, the trophy, the crosstrainer, the blender and all chairs can be removed or placed somewhere else easily, for even more playability
- all doors open, trophy case and locker, and all drawers work
- I tried to use bricks in available colors, but there are some exceptions, of course, like the purple piano. That just had to be purple. :)
Special details in GLEE:
- Giant trophy: either Sue's or the Glee Club's, it depends on the scene you want to play out
- Kurt's "I am unicorn" poster
- Purple Piano with additional flames, in case someone wants to burn it down :)
- Spilled Slushie on the floor, maybe from a facial? :)
- Picture of late teacher Lillian Adler
- Glee Sign Up Sheet
- Cheerleader (Cheerios) tryout Sheet
- Left-over cupcakes from the Bake Sale
- Sue's crosstrainer
- Sue's extensive trophy collection
- Sue's blender
- Join Glee Club Sign and Join the Cheerios Sign in the hallway
- The infamous air vent
- And many more... try to find them! :)
The minifigures in GLEE:
- Will Schuester with an acoustic guitar
- Sue Sylvester with her megaphone
- Rachel Berry with a gold star
- Finn Hudson with drum sticks
- Kurt Hummel with his shoulder bag
- Mercedes Jones with a plate of tater tots
Every 1k supporters I'm going to reveal a new character with accessoires in the updates section. :)
- Important sidenote: The minifigures I included are merely a suggestion. Fitting all characters seemed like a bit of a stretch, so I decided to only include the founding members of glee club from the pilot episode and Sue and Will. Additionally I had to reduce once more to six minifigures due to Lego Ideas rules.
In case this becomes an official Lego set, Lego will decide, which ones to include. So don't lose hope, if your favorite one isn't in here (yet). :)
- I'm not a Minifig designer, so I only used already excisting Minfigure parts, that were available on studio.
About Glee - the TV Show:
- Short Synopsis: High school teacher Will Schuester, who tries to relive his glory days, starts a new Glee Club / Show Choir: the New Directions. Five outsiders join immediately. They are very talented, but suck as a group. After the quarterback joins, they start to learn how to shine. Not only as performers, but even more so as people. With time they become more like a family, less like a school club
- Genre: Glee is funny, heartfelt, sometimes sad, tackles real life issues and last but not least, it's very entertaining!
- On air: May 2009 - March 2015 on Fox
- Awards:
- 2010: Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series and Emmy Awards for Jane Lynch, guest-star Neil Patrick Harris and Ryan Murphy
- 2011: Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series, for Jane Lynch and Chris Colfer and Emmy Award for guest-star Gwyneth Paltrow
- and many more :)
- Celebrities in guest roles: Kate Hudson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Whoopie Goldberg, Jeff Goldblum, Britney Spears, Neil Patrick Harris ... (just to name a few)
- Music: over 36 million digital single sales and 11 million album sales worldwide through October 11
So don't rain on my parade and help GLEE hit 10k, by pressing the support button!
Don't stop believing, that GLEE will become an official Lego set, neither will I. :)
Thanks for reading all of this! :)
Hope you like it!