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Twilight: Cullen House


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No one asked for it, I answered!

Welcome to Twilight: Cullen House.  When you see this set on the shelf you’ll ask, “Where the H-E-Double Lego Bricks have you been, loca!?”

This is my interpretation of the iconic three story “Hoke House” which was used as the Cullen family residence in the Twilight Saga films.  Whether you are a fan of the books, movies, or neither, this set is a perfect display piece to admire on a cloudy day!

The wolf is out of the bag with this one!

The model is filled with Easter eggs from the books and movies, including:
  • A brick-built werewolf (You can transform the Jacob minifig by quickly throwing him to the side and pretending that he shape-shifted before your very eyes!)
  • Custom printed 1x1 tiles representing each book cover as wall art in the living room (or...dying room?)
  • A baseball bat and glove in the garage for playing vampire baseball (only during a thunderstorm, of course)
  • Graduation cap display art because the Cullens matriculate a lot (it’s a private joke)
  • NO BEDS! (because vampires don’t get sweepy)
  • A library-turned-infirmary if you want to either read a novel or stitch up Bella’s latest wound with the included and extraordinarily pale Carlisle Minifig.

Speaking of Minifigs, this set has some!

You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?!

This is the plastic of a killer!


Foster Dad/Matchmaker

Whether you want to sulk under the staircase at the piano with Edward and Bella, or wolf-out with Jacob, voting for this set would be as easy as breathing.  So hold on tight, spider monkey, and click that support button!  Or just comment with your favorite line from the movies!

Piece count: 2,995

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