Product Idea |

Assault and Disembarkation Spatial Gunship ( AD/SG )


My AD/GS is a spatial gunship for assaults and disembarkations. This shuttle has a bridge and a cockpit.

The bridge contains :

  • An area for soldiers
  • Two seatings for gunners

The cockpit contains :

  • Two seatings for copilots/gunners
  • A seating for pilot
  • A commandment seating

The walls and the cockpit can be opened.

At the back, there are two big reactors, four little reactors and two auxiliary reactors ( in the up-wings ). There are three repulsors on both sides of the gunship.

The shuttle includes two quad laser, two rockets lauchers, two little guns ( at the back ) and one big gun ( at the top ) ( he can turn ).

The wings can move. There is one place for gunner on wings with one double gun each.

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