The company that started it all. The brick that we all love. The logo that represents you and me. That minifigure you love the most, all made and designed by the one the only the Lego Group®. So what are you waiting for. Hit that support button because you're not only supporting me, you're supporting the Lego Family. So if you love Lego you will love this in your own home!
The size of the hole MOC is equivalent to a 48 x 48 base plate and is one stud thick.I estimate that there is about 660 Lego pieces in this Lego logo with over 200 1 x 4 red Bricks.So if you like 1 x 4 red Bricks this is the Lego set for you!!! If you are a KFOL,TFOL or an AFOL this is perfect for your Lego room and remember
"ONLY THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH" Godtfred Kirk Christiansen.