Product Idea |

Lego Soyuz Capsule


100 has been achieved!

Wow! We have passed the 100 supporter milestone! I didn't expect it to happen so quickly, but we need 900 more to acheive 1000. Please share this project on social media, we can't acheive 10,000 without you. 




100 is only 9 away!

Wow! This project has exceeded my expectations! We only need 9 more supporters to achieve 100, so please support and share this!

brick on,



21 more...

Hi guys! We only need 21 more supporters to reach the 100 mark, and I am confident we will acheive that if all goes as it has gone for the last few days. Reach out on social media, share this with your friends and family, and help promote it if you want it to become reality!

Brick on, 



Updated engine

Hi guys! I was really disappointed with how I did the engine, so I made a few modifications. Here is the picture.


54 supporters!

WOW! 54 supporters in three days? I can hardly believe it! Hopefully we can keep it up. Please share this on social media!

Brick on!


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