Product Idea |

Mississippi Princess


Deck Cafè update 1 : How it's made

Here you can see how the cafè was made.

I decided to use an alternative method to the usual stacked bricks to reduce the height of the bench.

I really like the result


Deck Cafè update

Mississippi cafe update completed
I've modified the structure with a softer blu/white form
Added draft beer for 2 cups at a time
Added to an original Italian espresso machine for 2/4 cups
Added the necessary drawers and bottles

p.s. I've rendered only the cafè section not all the ferryboat ( it takes a lot of time with my pc, sorry me ok? )

Here the full resolution images:


Panoramic Deck Cafè

I apologize but I had forgotten to bring the little cafe in the panoramic deck.

The platen can be opened to allow Mariebelle to enter and exit



Panoramic Deck

A small update:

The panoramic deck


Singer and Gambler update

As requested by running fast 2, i modified the interior of the ferry boat to create a corner reserved for gamblers

- And a small music corner with a singer

Here you can find the High resolution version:

I hope you like them



The Crew

Here you can meet the " Mississippi Princess " crew:

- Captain; Mc.tire John, 35 years sea experience, 25 as captain

- First Mate; Douglas Jacob, 29 years sea experience

Ship's boys:

Smith Lucas 18 Years old 

Brown Liam Jr. 19 years old


The Twins  Davemport : Jackson 20 yo & Ethan 20 yo and 2 minutes  :)



As promised, I managed to finish the rendering of the amendment to the stern section.
The paddlewheel has been completely redesigned because I found the pictures of the American Queen ferry boat that uses the paddles inside the wheels.

So i decide to use the same. 

Now the paddlewheel is perfectly working.

I add the tackles and floating lines.

I hope you like my work.

Tomorrow i add a high resolution image in my flickr profile

Next update.... the crew & passengers

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