Product Idea |

Wartungshalle V

The big horizontal building, you see, is “Wartungshalle V”, an aircraft hangar that can accommodate up to six Boeing 747s. „Wartungshalle“ can best be translated as „Maintenance Hall“, where aircrafts can be thoroughly checked and overhauled/revised.

„Wartungshalle V“ is located at Frankfurt Airport, Germanys largest airport and one oft the largest airports in Europe. It was built between 1965 and 1972. To this day, the hangar has the longest-span concrete suspended roof in the world. It covers a field of 100 x 270 meters in two cantilevered sections; The pronounced edge elements are a typical representative of Brutalism, which was a popular architectural style during this time. The engineers Ulrich Finsterwalder and Helmut Bomhard were responsible for structural planning.

The „V“, resp. „5“ in the name suggests that there are four predecessors. But I only know about Nr. III, which was also at Frankfurt Airport and was demolished in 2007.

The vertical building, you see, ist the actual tower of Frankfurt Airport. It was put into operation in 2009. Another tower in the south was in operation until 2009, which now only serves as a replacement. The actual tower is about 70m high. In addition to this tower, there are also the so-called apron towers, which only guide aircrafts on the apron. If the aircraft is leaving the apron towards runway, this tower takes over.

And last but not least, you see a few aircrafts. The dimensions and proportions are similar to the Airbus -A340, a slim long-haul aircraft with 4 engines.

Why did I built it? Because i love architecture – and i love modern architecture. And Lego is such a fantastic building material with which you can recreate all this wonderful architecture. In 2023, only two sets of Lego Architecture were released. I hope, in 2024 there will be more sets again. Here is my contribution to this project…

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