Product Idea |

International Space Station


365 Supporters!!!

Another big round of thanks to all those users who have supported, provided feedback, followed and shared this project!. Because of you we've pushed past 365 supporters, also the number of days this project has to reach 10,000. Let's hope that this is a sign that it'll make the big 10k this round. Please support and share this!

Thank you!


300 Supporters!

I want to give another big thank you to all those people who have helped this project break 300 supporters. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your support. Unfortunately, this project is still a LONG way from the required 10,000. That's why I need you to take the initiative and share this on any and every social media website you can thing of: Twitter, facebook, LEGO fan forums or galleries or whatever, as long as it helps this project get attention.

Thank you!


Featured on the most supported list!

Thanks to all of you who are supporting this project! You've gotten this on the most supported list! Let's keep up the support and get this to 10,000! You can help by supporting and sharing this on social media websites like twitter and facebook.

Thank you!


Closer View!

I decided to add a closer view of the front of the ISS.

Please support, follow, and share this project with your friends and family!  


Enhanced Articulation Abilities

I added a turntable at the base of the mast with the smaller solar panel array so that now they not only tilt but the entire pole can rotate 360 degrees in either direction.

Thank you current supporters and all of those who haven't supported please do!

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