Product Idea |

Board Game: Dragon Tower Rainbow Race

A boiled down version of my 'Mayan City' board game. 816 parts total.
Please let me know in the comments which you prefer! 

Basic rules: 
  • All players start their dragon on the lower white square and roll the die to move ahead. 
  • Land on a space matching your dragon's colour to earn a second roll. 
  • Land on a space occupied by an opponent's dragon to send it back to the last unoccupied space. 
  • The first player to get their dragon to the upper white square wins! 

Advanced rules:
  • For an added challenge, have each player use multiple dragons. 
  • Each turn, roll once per dragon you control, moving any one allied dragon of your choosing after each roll. You may move the same dragon more than once if you wish. 
  • Land on a space occupied by an allied dragon to send it forward to the next unoccupied space. 
  • The first player to get all of their dragons to the upper white square wins! 

I believe the best sets are those you can continue to play with after building them, so I think this would make a good product. Lots of nice colours and a uniquely shaped twist (literally!) on the board game genre.

(By the way, I'm aware of the discrepancy between this build and my username. Let's just ignore that!)

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