Product Idea |

Pursuit of Crim(e)son


The police (Seargent Rools and Detective Annalyse) receive a call that someone has robbed a bank. When they arrive, they find that the suspect (Robin) has already been apprehended by the infamous vigilante known as Crim(e)son. Still on the scene, the vigilante is about to escape, and the Seargent and Detective must act quickly to arrest Crim(e)son before it's too late.

This set includes: 

* 4 minifigures

* a police car capable of fitting 1 minifigure

* Crim(e)son's car (the Scormobile) which features a shootable stud launcher in front and capable of fitting 1 minifigure

* a street light attached to a traffic light

* many accessories (wooden crate, 3 hundred dollar bills, spear with electric tip, crowbar, string, radio, cuffs, 2 guns, 2           traffic cones, pretzel, 2 coffie cups, magnifying glass, silver studs for stud launcher, GPS which either attaches as                 steering wheel for the Scormobile or on Crim(e)son's back)

I really like this idea for a set because the vigilante isn't presented as this obvious hero or villain whose backstory you follow, but rather whose identity and mission is a mistery that the police, who in this case are presented as relatable protagonists, must solve. I hope this set idea becomes a reality because I really enjoyed building and designing  the cars, the characters and the story behind it all. 

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