Product Idea |

West Garden Park


220 Days Left!

Haven't updated this in 4 months!!! Only 220 days left on this project! :) 


New Project Coming Soon!

Be sure to check out our newest project coming out next week! It's a surprise, but I'll say it has something to do with a ghost! And maybe a love story. And danger! Stay tuned! :) 


4061 Total Votes!

I'm proud to say that between all 9 projects on Ideas, we have reached 4,061 Votes! Now, if only that was for one of those projects in particular lol! Don't forget to support that Orient Express Thriller! I'd be ever so grateful! :) Thank you! 


A Little Less than a year!

I just realized, we have a little less than a year left! We can do it, go go go! :) 


Love the support!

Wow, this project has shown some more support, this is great! Go Go Go! :) 


100 Supporters!

Wow! We cleared that hurdle overnight, this is great! It buys this project some time, please keep supporting! :) 


Only 3 Supporters Needed!

We're almost to 100! This project just might get an upgrade! Come on, we can do this! :) 


4 Days!

Only 4 days left to gain 6 supporters! I don't think this project is going to make it, might as well let it die a natural death :( 


14 Days!

Only two weeks left to get the 10 supporters needed for the next date extension! Come on, everyone, we can do this! 


Profile Change!

New Profile Picture Uploaded! :) 

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