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Greek Temple - Temple of Athena Promachos

Behold my version of an ancient Greek temple! The temple of Athena Promachos (the warrior Athena).

I build it because besides I found a lot of similar and great builds by other designers, but I wanted to see if I could create something which is even more detailed and/or historically accurate. Of course, I know the idea is not something so original. Yet, I always wanted to see my version of such a Lego Greek temple.

I tried to build it with as many details as possible. It has multiple versions of trees like the typical Mediterranean type of pines and also olive trees.
Furthermore, I built a small shrine, placed in front of the temple.
The temple has a good amount of little details. To me personally, the top was a challenge that I enjoyed a lot to figure out. I have checked out an endless amount of pictures that can be found on the internet about ancient Greek and Roman temples in order to caption these details as accurately as possible. On the very top of the roof, I was lucky that Lego has complete pieces of animals so I could place owls which are known as the sacred animal of Athena. Then under these, both the front and the back have sculptures that represent different mythological scenes. Here it has to be mentioned in real life these scenes were highly decorated and painted as well as the historical evidence proves, but I just like them this in this plain way so I used weapons, plants, and minifig pieces that are not painted. Below these, the decorations run all around and in the front part, I have paid attention to decorating the ceiling between the front door and the front columns. I know this is not really visible and one may think it is not necessary but it is important for the sake of historical accuracy and I think it gives a nice semi-hidden detail to the build.
For the columns, I tried to caption the style of the ionic columns which are also colored.
The front door can be closed and opened of course.

Inside the temple is the main sculpture. The statue of Athena Promachos. For this, I have gathered a lot of inspiration from other builders who make sculptures from Lego. Now, I have to give a big shoutout to Spacemenship who has the build about Nike of Samothrace. It is an amazing build and had by far the greatest impression on me while I was building my own statue. In my case, I had to be cautious about the space inside the temple. So this definitely made a burden on physical size and shape.

I assume it would be great if this creation of mine one day could come true because I find Lego lacks models that are concerned with ancient Rome or Greece.

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