Product Idea |

Shashibo: Fully Functional Shape Shifting Box

A Lego recreation of the legendary Shape Shifting Box (Shashibo). Even though its made entirely of Lego, it is able to fully recreate all of the over 70 unique shapes that the Shashibo folds into (and then some)!

After opening the box, you can fold it into a variety of three-dimensional shapes. The Shashibo's elegance comes with the simplicity of its design, allowing you to create a multitude of shapes and structures like origami.

I initially didn't think it was possible to create a Lego version of something with as complex a geometry as the Shashibo, much less create a version that was to scale. Designing it was a unique challenge, and the final architecture, with a frame made of technic bricks and supported by an interior structure made of system bricks. The design is fully able to replicate the three dimensional folding capabilities of this toy.

It is one of the most rewarding and conceptually challenging builds I've ever created and easily the most fun to play with once it is ready to be folded!

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