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Welcome back to Trench, indeed, fellow Bricksters and Clikkies! I am beyond stoked for Twenty One Pilots’ new album, "Clancy." We recently got their lead single for the album, Overcompensate, which came out with a music video to match. This song is by far their best since Trench, and this music video was so good that I decided to make it into a LEGO set and submit it to LEGO Ideas.
Let’s start with the minifigures. First up is Tyler Joseph as Clancy, who is in his rebel red and black outfit from the video. He has his mask with a custom print, and that can be swapped out for a hairpiece, which reveals his face print. He has a partially custom printed torso, I took an existing torso and added red tap detail on the shoulders. He also has dark gray hands and black legs.
Josh Dun is here as the Torchbearer. He includes his usual hair piece and face print, as well as a bandana scarf piece around his neck. He uses an existing torso print, as well as light gray arms, light nougat hands, and black legs. He also includes his red drumsticks from the video. Unfortunately, I couldn’t give him his two-toned hair.
Lastly, we have some of the Dema citizens from the video. I used a variety of different hair pieces and face prints, with all of them having light gray torsos and legs. I would have included more if I could, but it would be too many.
We start where Clancy starts in the video, in a dimly-lit room closed off from the assembly room. The doors open up to reveal said assembly room, with Josh in the middle with his drumset. He is jamming out as the audience arrives and Clancy makes his grand entrance. There are plenty of seats for the Dema citizens, on different levels of the risers. There are studs out on the floor for Josh’s drumset to sit and for Clancy to stand and speak to the audience.
There are stairs leading up to right above the door, where Clancy goes up to explain his origins and grand plan. Over on the other side of the assembly room is the stage that is unused in the video, along a wall with nine glowing red neon lights, meant to represent the nine Bishops of Dema. There are stairs over there as well, leading up to the room where Clancy and the Torchbearer use a projector to present the secrets of Dema and the Banditos’ cause to the citizens. There is a print of the map of Dema being projected onto the wall.
And that’s pretty much it for this custom set. In total, it includes 6 minifigures, around 600 pieces, and only took me a couple days to complete. I would really appreciate any support we could get for this set. Let’s get this set to 10,000 supporters so we can finally have a chance of a LEGO Twenty One Pilots set! I plan on submitting more custom sets for LEGO Ideas as more songs and music videos are released for this album, I am beyond excited for what is to come!