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Imperial Troop Transport


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The Imperial Troop Transport is the first Expanded Universe vehicle in Star Wars. It originated in the 1979 Kenner Star Wars action figure toy line.  This vintage version also made an appearance in Marvel's Star Wars comic #31 and #32 in 1980.   Recently it was announced that an updated version of the Imperial Troop Transport will make an appearance  in the new 2014 cartoon "Star Wars Rebels".  

This Imperial Troop Transport  has a drivers cockpit that fits two pilots.  From the cockpit they control the radar and twin laser cannon on top of the transport.  On each side there are three pods that hold one mini-figure each. That's a total of 6 Troopers ready for action!  In the rear, the engines can be opened to reveal the hidden compartment.  The compartment is so large it can fit another four troops, prisoners or cargo. 

Let's hope Lego releases the new updated version as part of the Star Wars Rebels line, in the mean-time, let's give everyone a chance to get a Vintage Imperial Troop Transport.

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