Product Idea |

Roman Triumphal Arch

...It's time for a playable Rome themed set!

The triumphal arch of Constantine.

The triumphal arch you see above was built in 315 AD in honor of the Emperor Constantine to celebrate his victory against Maxentius in 312 AD.
The original construction is made of concrete and brick covered in marble. From archaeological studies it is assumed that the work dates back to the time of the Emperor Hadrian. It was subsequently enlarged and re-adapted, the Senate and the roman people dedicated it to the Emperor Constantine.
My brick version tries to be as faithful as possible to the original using what Studio 2.0 makes available to me.
The diorama is completed with a standard bearer carrying a "draco", a legionary and obviusly the Emperor Constantine on horseback arriving in Triumph.
Don't expect the classic Roman imperial armament, in 300 AD the shields were oval-round and the segmented lorica had been replaced with "amata" or "squamata" loricas, the helmets were different as was the color of the uniforms.

Thanks to everyone who will support the project, I hope sooner or later to see one of my works become a Lego set.

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