Product Idea |



If you came upon this page from another site and want a Popeye LEGO set to be officially sold, please click the support button on this page! It needs 10,000 supporters to reach the review stage. Please share it on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites…and tell everyone you know to support it too! This Popeye set would not become a reality without your help. Thank you for your support! :)

Basic Info:
- Dimensions: Width 12 cm x Height 20.5 cm.
- Number of Pieces: (+/-) 391 pcs.

This LEGO Popeye model is perfect to be put as a display in your home, office or on your working table. There are 14 point of articulations spread on the neck, arms, hands, hips, legs and feet which makes this model really posable and can be played anyway you like :)

Behind the Build:
One of the reasons why I love Popeye is because it reminds me of my late father who have passed away more then a decade ago. Back then when I was a kid he'd always rent and show me a Popeye video whenever I'm eating my green vegetables (and yes, I still hate vegetables even till now), and one of the things I remember about Popeye is that eating vegetables and spinach can make you stronger! Now I have 2 boys of my own and I tell them the same thing, "Boys, eat your veggies so you'll both be strong like Popeye!" :)

PS: If you happen to notice the missing pipe on his mouth then you are right; the new modern Popeye and the upcoming Popeye movie (whose trailer you can see on Youtube) isn’t using the pipe anymore, which fortunately fits with one of the rules in LEGO Ideas that prohibits the depiction of smoking :)

Thank you,

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