Product Idea |

Modular Parisian Drugstore


Last Update for this project!

Here is the last version of this modular building

LDD File here / open version here

Flickr album

  • Parisian street furniture is brown, so I have changed the color of the lamppost and the dustbin.

Shop Level

Lab Level

  • An electronic balance has been added next to the rotavapor in the lab.
  • Safety cabinet and fridge have been updated.

Boss office & storage level

  • New coffee machine
  • Minor changes in this office

  • Other changes: New cameras - Addition of stickers (balances - Box) - The roof has been updated.


New update

  • Addition of heaters.
  • Addition of bookcase in the shop.
  • Organization of the boss office.

LDD File Here (version 2.3 - 14/09/2014)

Vincent (Vean)


Minor Changes and New Link to LDD File.

  • Boss Office Update

Some minor changes have been realised in the boss office. New wood desk - coffee machine -...

  • ​New Link for LDD file:

Here is a new link to the latest LDD file (version 2.2 - 23/08/2014)


Laboratory Improvement

Important update.

2 offices in the same building, it was too much!

As a consequence, wood desk in the laboratory has been replaced by new equipements: a microscope and a rotary evaporator.

Flickr Album has been updated with new pictures

LDD file is available here. (version 2 - 17/08/2014)

Do not hesitate to give me your opinion concerning this update!

Thank you!


More pictures and LDD file!

  • LDD file here! (version 1 - 16/08/2014)

  • Here is  a link to a Flickr album to see bigger pictures of this creation!

  • Thank you for your support and your comments! Do not hesitate to go and see my other projects!

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