Product Idea |

TV Broadcast Tower


Welcome to LEGOTV Tower.

This is a modular building, that fits on 32 x 32 base plate. It is 7 stories tall plus another 3 if you include the antenna. The building is triangular in shape and features all the sets and stages you need for a functioning TV station.

Details of the different floors: (Sorry the images I upload keep getting resorted out of order. I dont know how to fix it, so here is a video describing the building.)


  • Building logo/signage board
  • A small water feature
  • Mosaic logo embedded into the sidewalk

Ground Floor

  • Revolving glass door, on the inside the lobby above the revolving door there is some wrought iron art work
  • Security desk
  • Corporate logo sign
  • There are a set of elevator banks that run the height of the building

Floor 2 - Production Room

  • There are 7 screens (stickers with different TV displays would be made in final production)
  • Control panels and chairs for two producers
  • Outside of the production room by the elevator are two busts of the co-founders of LEGO TV

Floor 3 - Green Room

  • Green Screen
  • Two workers are currently setting up the props for the next shot.
  • There is an edit bay in the back to turn the green screen image into a new shot. (stickers would go on the tiles in the bay to show the green screen working)
  • Outside of the green room there is a costume display "The Strong Man" from their hit tv show "Circus in Space"

Floor 4 - Wardrobe / Makeup room

  • Make-up desk and chair with mirror. Fully stocked make-up desk there are cosmetics in the drawers.
  • Racks of clothing both tops and bottoms. The bottoms are on hangers.
  • Outside of the wardrobe there is a costume display "The Space Man" from their hit tv show "Circus in Space"

Floor 5 - News Room

  • New desk and chairs for 2 anchors. The one guy is just testing the lighting before they get on the air.
  • Two TV cameras
  • The area outside of the news room by the elevators is a trophy display of all the awards won by this news team.

Floor 6 - The Andrea Show

  • A late night talk show stage, with host desk, couch for guests, and a coffee table.
  • It looks like Andrea is interviewing the doctor from "Ancient Medicine"
  • Lighting and sounds system
  • Two TV cameras
  • The area outside of Andreas show by the elevators is a trophy display of all the awards won by Andrea. She has a lot more than that news team.

Roof Top

  • The roof top is setup to be an observation deck. Tourist from all over flock to the top of the tower to see the views of your city.
  • The base of the antenna houses a maintenance shack which houses tools and a ladder to get up to the antenna controls
  • There are 3 satellite dishes
  • There are 2 big marquee signs and a big screen in front (a sticker would need to be make to cover the display)






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