Product Idea |

Ponyo: Fujimoto's Boat and Sosuke's Toy Boat

Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo fishy in the sea!

As the Dad in a Studio Ghibli-obsessed family - and an unabashed fan myself - it was only natural that our love for Ponyo would spark a Lego project. After countless viewings, I took the plunge into Lego Studio and designed Fujimoto’s eccentric boat and Sosuke’s little toy vessel.

Fujimoto’s boat was a fun, slightly maddening puzzle - building out the hull was a complicated affair, and I had to extend height of the cabin slightly to accommodate minifigures - but I quickly earned my family's seal of approval once the models came together!

After a whole flotilla of revisions, I'm uploading this creation to Lego Ideas, hoping to share my Ghibli-inspired builds with the world. Who knows? Maybe these boats will sail off to become an official set and inspire other Ponyo fans to take the plunge too!

My creation includes:

  • Detailed model of Fujimoto's Boat "Basking Shark"
  • Interior space including ship's wheel, cabinet and table
  • Display base adorned with lots of colourful sealife
  • Detailed model of Sosuke's Toy Boat

Three minifigures:

  • Ponyo - with ramen bowl, chopsticks and backpack
  • Sosuke - with green bucket
  • Fujimoto - with little fish Ponyo in globe of water and potion bottle

I hope you like my creation as much as I enjoyed building it! Please support, and if you too are a Studio Ghibli fan, let me know in the comments!

Thank you,


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