Product Idea |


This is the Aerocopter! Inspired by early concepts for airplanes that can take of vertically or use short runways, I set out to build a flying machine prototype that looks like something that could have come out of a novel by Jules Verne.

To achieve the desired effect, built an exposed, external engine coupled with a "boxy" fuselage, reminiscent of an early 20th Century biplane. The fuselage is also intended to give the appearance of canvas stretched over a wood frame where the underlying structure is visible through the canvas.
Going along with the olde theme, the cockpit is all wood with a basic set of instruments and a flight stick.  Additionally, the cockpit is small, cramped, and offers the pilot little in the way of protection from the elements.

Keeping it line with the early science fiction prototype look, the dorsal rotor is powered by a clunky-looking external engine and uses two thin blades to generate lift. Furthermore, dual rear stabilizing rotors keep the aircraft from spinning in flight. The two stabilizing rotors, rather than the traditional one, further enhances the prototype vibe. All rotors rotate freely.

Finally, the color scheme is a reflection of the creator, eccentric and bold.
In all, the Aerocopter is meant to look like a flying machine reminiscent of 19th Century science fiction. It has real aerodynamic elements, but it does not quite look like a real aircraft. More fantasy than reality.

I built the Aerocopter because I enjoy science fiction and I wanted to design something in the vein of Jules Verne. I believe that this will make a great Lego set since it captures the essence of Lego, build your own adventure. Apart from making a fun model, the Aerocopter can go with any number of existing Lego sets, especially the Wild West (Steampunk adventure!).

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