The snoot that now droops
New update time! Here it is; the biggest change so far. I now have 1 set of pieces for this newly designed nose section!
I have kept the original shape of the first design but have incorporated hinge pieces internally into this new design to enable the nose to droop.
I thought it’d be much clearer to share a video with you.
As you can see there are now 2 visors to keep the aero dynamic shape. The ‘click in’ for the droop nose, which keeps it at the desired angle was a fortunate accident when I experimented with different parts.
Thanks for watching
Droop nose - take off/landing display option
Good day! As promised in the description I have now put together a first look of the droop nose option for take-off and landing.
This is a static front end section that is interchangeable with the nose up section.
In the original development this was always my plan - to keep as much of the aerodynamic lines as possible and offer up 2 display options.
Listening to the comments and feedback, I am now going to work on another option where the droop nose is achievable with a single set of pieces or just the visor may be interchangeable.
I'm really excited to be pushing this as a potential replacement as I think it will be an important feature in the overall authenticity of the design.
Please let me know what you think in the comments :)