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Imperial Rococo Style Outpost

The Governor inspects the outpost. He boards his personal boat bound for the outpost. Inspecting he seems very pleased offering lots of food and gold for his men.

It all started by chance when my eye caught a spare piece (item No: 4071 / door frame ) that I had discarded while making another build. With whatever I could find in front of me, I started building a small outpost..then a rampart..then a ramp on a rock..then a pier..then a fountain.. Finally after many iterations and over a 4-month period I can present to you the result.

The construction follows the modular building method. It breaks into levels, revealing different spaces. So, starting from the top we will first find the supply and gold warehouse. Further down we have the commander's conference room and below that the room of the duty commander. On the lower level we will find the prison which is mounted in the rock. All the rooms are revealed very easily so there is access for play. The round perimeter balcony is connected by a suspended staircase to the conference room (entrance through a trapdoor) as well as the storeroom to the conference room through the same logic. Externally we will see the grand staircase the fountain and the pier. On the west side we will find the statue of the Lady of the Rock (patroness of the fortress). The nature on this side has a warmer tropical aura while on the east side a wilder one, wanting to show that this side opens up to the sea to the winds and waves.

This is a real construction. Some tests that had to be done for the mosaics, the roof and the gables of the building were done using Studio 2.0. About 2.300 pieces were used and the dimensions of the structure are: length 50cm width 25cm (2 bases 32x32 were used) and height 35cm. The set also contains 7 figures, 4 seagulls, 2 boats and smaller animals (the Governor’s dog, the commander’s parrot, a rat, a crab, frogs and small birds).

I hope you like the project and I hope to have your vote. For any feedback don’t hesitate to leave a comment.


Thank you,

  • #imperial
  • #fortress
  • #fort
  • #outpost
  • #building
  • #architecture
  • #modular
  • #guards
  • #tower
  • #pirates

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