Product Idea |

Grelrag the Dark Warlock

In a land far forgotten, feared by every man alive, rules Grelrag the dark warlock. High in his tower, guarded by his own necromantic creation, he sits on the dragon throne, which was build in honor of the warlocks from a distant time, who were able to control the dragons. Toying with the mighty dragons, the warlocks were already doomed, and in the end saw themself to their own demise.

Since those nearly forgotten days, no warlock, sorcerrer or other people of magic have ever dared interfere with the dragons.

Gelrag is a powerful ruler, but with many enemies. Never knowing who he can trust with his life, he has resorted to necromancy and animated a giant guardian to protect him at any cost.

The Build
The build consist of 2 main parts. The Throne and the Guardian, aswell as the minifugure Grelrag.
The Throne is made as a mini diorama with a decorated base.

The guardian is also placed on a smaller base for display. It is build with ball joints for the different body parts.

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